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06-10-23 |

Service Recognition Day with Willie Farragher

In celebration of Customer Service Week this year and to celebrate Service Recognition Day, we would like to shine a light on one of the superstars of Gas in the North West: Willie Farragher.

Pictured above: Willie and his CMO team in the main building kitchen at our HQ in Worsley.

Willie started his career with “The North Western Gas Board” 5 weeks after his 15th birthday at Birkenhead Gas Works in 1968, when Town Gas was still being produced there. 

For 55 years, he has been in continuous service through all organisations that have come and gone to this present day where he is working for us on behalf of our contract with Cadent Gas as an Authorising Engineer across Merseyside. 

Willie is the person you want on the job when everything is going wrong. He is a natural leader, whilst being a very humble person. He is always committed to getting the job done, whatever it takes. He knows every trick in the book and there is no pulling the wool over his eyes. However, he also devotes time to supporting people to achieve the outcome safely. It all adds up to him being one of the most respected people in the North West gas industry.   

Pictured above: Our CEO, Dan Holland, shaking hands with Willie Farragher as he receives his award.

Through his long tenure in Gas, he has educated and positively influences thousands of people and yet he still approaches every working day with the same enthusiasm and passion as he did when he started 55 years ago. His depth of knowledge seems limitless, but his generosity in transferring that knowledge, to anyone who will listen, is his biggest legacy. 

We and the gas industry are lucky to have him. 

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