We want our workforce to Be: SAFE. This campaign actively encourages our workforce to work safely and avoid unsafe acts and conditions.

The Be: SAFE campaign outlines our ‘golden rules’ that our workforce must follow, and we ask them to adhere to the following three simple steps each day to help reduce accidents and incidents:

  • Do things right at work.
  • Follow the Be: SAFE values.
  • Go home safe and well.
be: safe logo

Be: SAFE Rules

  • Stop work if they feel unsafe.
  • Avoid unsafe acts and conditions.
  • Follow safe systems of work at all times.
  • Ensure that they are fit for work.

Campaign promotion

We promote this campaign through a combination of presentations, Toolbox Talks, team briefings, posters and other physical indicators, PPE and through internal communications such as our newsletter and intranet.

We want our workforce to Be: SAFE

  • At work
  • At home
  • In transit.
television presentation