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Sustainability at Network Plus

Protecting the future whilst maintaining today

We want to leave a positive, sustainable legacy wherever we work. As such, our work around sustainability weaves many existing Network Plus initiatives together.

Our sustainability framework is built upon 4 key pillars, bringing many of our initiatives together:

  • Taking care of the environment
  • Helping communities thrive
  • Being a great place to work
  • Being a responsible business


The Network Plus Sustainability Strategy and Environmental Action Plan has been developed to help support our journey to becoming a net-zero business by 2040. In 2024 we have Near-Term Science Based Targets (SBT) which will plot our emission reduction course for the next 10 years.  

Our main aim is to help the UK become a safer, greener and more sustainable place. Every day, we support DNOs to drive the electrification of homes and transport and the Water companies to reduce consumption and prevent overflows or leaks through environmental monitoring, the installation of nature-based solutions and smart meters.

We are a responsible contractor with a clear focus on protecting the areas in which we work. We are constantly working to reduce our Scope 1 emissions by introducing low or ultra-low solutions to our fleet and plant as well as minimising our Scope 2 emissions by sourcing energy through renewable tariffs or sources and Scope 3 through working with sustainable supply chain partners.

Our credentials have been externally verified and we have now been identified as ‘above the industry best practice and benchmark.’

Water Sampling Services are offered across our water contracts, to ensure rivers stay safe and clean. As a business, we strive to minimize our environmental impact through highly efficient operations that help our clients reach their sustainability objectives.


As a business, we believe it important to give back to not only the communities we work within, but also the charities that are close to our hearts.

Everyone will be touched by cancer at some point in their life. That’s why we are regular supporters of Macmillan Cancer Support, who we actively fundraise for throughout the year.

As a business born in the North West, Children’s Adventure Farm Trust (CAFT) are close to our heart as well. CAFT is based at the beautiful Booth Bank Farm, a 17th Century Farmhouse in the heart of the Cheshire countryside. The farm and its volunteers give children living difficult lives the chance to be free, make wonderful memories and gain extra (and free) support for them and their family.

We also work with local schools to support their sustainable projects, such as building eco-friendly allotments or re-vamping their playgrounds! Our Graduate Network love to get involved with these tasks.


The governance of our business is overseen from our Senior Leadership Team who meet on a weekly basis. Our commitment to ensuring strong governance is followed across our lines of business means a commitment to a strong corporate governance in Data & IT Security, Human Rights, Employment Richs and Supply Chain Sustainability. Our robust governance and risk management frameworks are in place to provide clear ownership and accountability throughout our organisation.

Our business is driven with these principles in mind:

Safety & Agility: We never compromise on safety

Agile Delivery: We find sustainable solutions to meet every client need

Sustainability: We make a positive impact on the environment and the local communities we operate within

Customer Service: We put customers at the heart of decision making and delivery

Efficiency & Value: We explore every opportunity to maximise value and minimise cost