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Installing 2.1km of Telecoms Duct and Cable in Tamworth Case Study

Telecomms cable


Our client, Western Power Distribution, required the installation of 2.1 km of BT telecoms duct and cable through a heavily used cycle lane and footway with minimal disruption in Tamworth, Staffordshire.


This scheme was delivered in 21 working days by working with three excavation teams to install the 110mm black telecoms duct and six telecoms chambers across the 2.1km.  All construction design and management procedures were in place throughout the route to always ensure an efficient and compliant site.

As the route is the main pedestrian footway between Shuttington and Tamworth in a heavily populated residential area, minimising disruption, signage, and communication were key elements of this scheme. Our team worked closely with local residents to ensure they were kept up-to-date and made aware of each stage of the work. This was done through advance warning signs near the residential properties several weeks ahead of the work, followed by letter drops and conversations with local residents throughout the scheme.

This scheme was delivered in partnership with our subcontractor, Rowlands.

The Challenge

Due to the location, Staffordshire Council, a major stakeholder, outlined specific requirements for traffic management which was delivered by our sister company Go Traffic Management.

Following our pre-site survey, comprehensive discussions were required with BPA regarding a strategic pipeline that ran alongside our excavation route, identifying a number of no dig zones. To facilitate this, the team completed a Site-Specific Risk Assessment and Authorisation highlighting all safe digging methods that were to be used to hand dig past the pipeline.


Client feedback: “…thank you for all your work on the Tamworth dig and lay job. This has been a challenging job at times with shortfalls in the supply chain. Just wanted to express our appreciation in your team going the extra mile and getting the job done to a great standard in a sometimes challenging environment.”

During this scheme our team demonstrated excellent customer service when it was discovered that vandals had relocated heavy metal bollards from a cycle track near the site onto a customer’s property. The team immediately removed the bollards and notified Staffordshire Council of the need to reinstate them. They also delivered and laid some top soil on the front lawn to cover the damage. The customer was extremely grateful.

Find out more about the telecoms services we offer clients

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